Dear Seniors of SAG,
Much has been said about your struggle against the developers of the Eagle Ridge golf course. You have spent a lot of money on legal fees and the end is nowhere in sight. The judge ruled against you 3 times in the last 2 months. In court, the township attorneys were fighting you tooth and nail.
It is clear that most of the people running Lakewood’s government (the committeemen) are corrupt and against your interests. If we keep voting for them, or even stay home and don’t vote against them, they will continue to stay in power and continue to rape us. Do not expect different results!

2 thoughts on “Submitted: Dear Seniors of SAG”
moshe kopoyer
(March 20, 2019 - 9:03 am)The SAG seniors have a few issues, they can’t agree on anything.
As seniors with so much free time on their hands, they are always arguing with each other.
SAG, get off your porcelain thrown, and vote out the bums.
Don’t tell the BMG students to vote them out, they are under the influence.
Moshe Pokeyer
(March 24, 2019 - 7:52 am)Exactly, instead of kvetching, frowning and moaning – stop voting for your own demise. Vote the bums out!!!
If you do not want to help yourself, don’t ask others to do it for you.